These last few weeks and particularly this last week, Marije and I have been so busy with the move, that today we decided to take a well-deserved break from everything, to spend a day on the water with our friends on the Molly Bawn. This was our very last outing on the water and it had everything you could ever want from a whale watching trip in Newfoundland, it was unbelievable!

We saw puffins, we saw eagles, we saw whales, we saw icebergs and we saw dolphins. Then we saw more whales, too much whales to count in fact. You know how you say “there’s a whale at twelve o’clock” to indicate there’s one in front of you? Well, we had whales around the clock, they surrounded the boat! We had lots of close encounters too, whales swimming alongside the boat, going underneath the boat, circling the boat again and again, it was ridiculous. Marije had never seen whales like this before, what a great final performance, and that’s not even the end of it.

The dolphins I mentioned earlier, they came bow-riding with us! Marije and I were both right on top of them, we were able to see them clear as day, it was amazing. In the distance we saw humpbacks breaching, and when we approached the iceberg we saw earlier, it rolled over! Yes, crazy, but it was just that kind of day. When we drifted the boat through the ice-field, all the little pieces of ice were fizzing and crackling in the ocean.

Here are some photos of this unbelievable day on the water:

Bowriding dolphins - Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

Bowriding dolphins – Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

A humpback whale surfaces - Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

A humpback whale surfaces – Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

Puffin - Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

Puffin – Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

Iceberg - Brigus South

Iceberg – Brigus South

Collecting pieces of iceberg - Brigus South

Collecting pieces of iceberg – Brigus South

Humpback whale detail - Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

Humpback whale detail – Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

Two humpbacks - Witless Bay Ecological Reserve

Two humpbacks – Witless Bay Ecological Reserve