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Life in Newfoundland

Tag / Middle Cove beach

Big ice in Middle Cove

The formation of massive ice walls along the coast is one of the many marvels I look forward to each year. The ‘big ice’ that’s easiest to access for me is on the east end of Middle Cove beach: This wall of ice comes crashing down on mild days, but forms all over again when […]

Boxing Day in the Middle Cove snow

Snow came down all-day-long yesterday and we’ve got more on the way for tomorrow, but today was a clear day for a beautiful hike on Silver Mine Head Path. Here are a few pictures of the winter fun Marije and I had in the knee-deep snow:

2013 Capelin are rolling on Middle Cove beach

What a fantastic day to see the capelin roll on Middle Cove beach! When Marije and I arrived on the beach earlier today, most people were just taking it all in, enjoying the spectacle without a single net being cast. But, Middle Cove would not be Middle Cove without fishermen, and soon they arrived, young […]

Capelin at sunrise

Very early this morning I saw capelin rolling on Middle Cove beach: Before sunrise a small number of them were doing their ‘capelin dance’, but it did not last long. Immediately after the sun rose the gulls moved in and enjoyed a capelin breakfast. Soon enough the capelin will start rolling for real, with greater […]

Outside at last

After what seems like forever, today I finally ventured outside again. Flurries started falling when I got out of the car and it was kind of cold, but it was definitely better than sitting on the couch. Tomorrow promises more sunshine, so I’m looking forward to that! Not quite over my encounter with the flu, […]

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