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Life in Newfoundland

Tag / Capelin

It’s capelin time!

It’s capelin time in Newfoundland, have you seen them at your local beach yet? Yes or no, the Capelin Calendar is the place to check for and share all your capelin news. If you’re new to capelin watching, look for these 2 telltale signs that let you know if capelin have arrived in a bay […]

2020 Capelin are rolling on Middle Cove beach

For the last two days, capelin have been rolling on Middle Cove and Outer Cove beach. The first report of increased whale and seabird activity in the area came in on Tuesday on the Capelin Calendar, and sure enough the capelin rolled later that night! For obvious reasons I can’t be there myself this year, […]

Whale season in Newfoundland

Whale season in Newfoundland

In Newfoundland, summer is whale season. Right now, humpbacks are showing up everywhere and they’re easily spotted from cliffside viewpoints and hiking trails around St. John’s: When hungry humpbacks arrive in St. John’s Bay, they like to go back and forth between Cuckolds Cove and Cape Spear, in hot pursuit of tasty capelin that are […]

Minke whales in Cape Broyle Bay

Looking for signs of whales along the Southern Shore Highway and all its little side roads this summer, Marije and I both pointed out the window after spotting a dorsal fin slicing through the water near Admiral’s Cove. Since I know a little walking trail at the exact spot the whale surfaced, we parked the car […]

2018 Capelin are rolling in Newfoundland

It’s that time of year again: capelin are rolling in Newfoundland! Earlier today, capelin were caught in the act at the beach in Trout River, no doubt delighting visitors to Gros Morne NP just as much as the locals. The happy news was soon shared on the Capelin Calendar and in the coming days and weeks […]

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