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Life in Newfoundland

Category / Towns & Harbours

Snowy seal snout

Seals are easy to find this time of year, just stop by a frozen harbour or two and you’re bound to see some resting on the ice. If you’re really lucky, you may even see them having fun! Check out this little guy, he was having a blast slip-sliding through the Holyrood snow:

Playful otters in Petty Harbour

Five years ago today I had a chance encounter with two river otters in Petty Harbour; they were catching fish and were utterly oblivious to the world around them. With camera in hand I followed them around for a while, it’s easy to track otters underwater because their fur releases bubbles up to the surface. The otters weren’t […]

Icebergs down south

There are a ton of icebergs on the east coast right now. These last 2 weeks I’ve been looking at all the bergs near me, but today I drove down south to see what I could find there. To make a long story short, icebergs are almost everywhere, I saw them in all shapes and […]

Icebergs in Pouch Cove

As you have probably noticed, I am rather fond of icebergs. I could write a post called “Icebergs in *insert location*” every day, because they are almost everywhere now. This morning I saw 11 icebergs (!) from Signal Hill, most of them in the distance, and then this afternoon I saw 19 icebergs (!!) from Pouch […]

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