Frozen snow,.. it can provide the basis of an invigorating winter hike, but it can also be as aggravating as, well, frozen snow:

Frozen snow – Blackhead Path

When you’re walking on a surface like this, be ready for anything! Some places have a slick sheet of ice just below the snow, your foot may slide one way or the other, or it may not. In other places the weight of your step will poke a hole in the snow, but will you sink 10 cm, 20 cm, or 60 cm, before you find footing again? A surprise at every single step…

Steps on and in the snow – Blackhead Path

Then there are places that are frozen solid but rough, offering plenty of grip to confidently walk on top of; but when you do suddenly ‘fall through’, you will bang your shins on the hard frozen crust you were just standing on.

These are the joys of winter hiking,.. before it’s even really winter! (That’s tomorrow).

It’s all worth it though, there’s some fine winter scenery out there already:

Doyles Cove icicles – Blackhead Path

Blowing snow – Blackhead Path

And just in case you were wondering, yes it was cold outside.